Sunday, July 31, 2011

Phantom editorials

I heard that George Lucas is planning to convert Star Wars 1 into 3D and I could tell where this is going. I hope he saw the Phantom Edits (which have scenes cut out and some have Jar Jar's silly talking voiced over and subtitled) and knows what to cut out of the final product. He said when he first saw the screening of the film, "I think I might have overdone it in a few places," and continued to overdo it in those places in the following films. Some scenes could benefit from 3D but the story and dialogue certainly won't.


  1. I wonder if it is possible to reshoot some of the scenes and redo dialog. "Phantom Menace V1.2.7"

  2. He'd never approve it, of course. Not while he could be stamping 3D over top of the old ones and bathing in money.

  3. And why not do upgrades? That's the model for software revenue streams.

    I finally watched the Phantom Edit. It isn't a great movie, or even a very good one (Is there any way of getting rid of the Boss too? He gives willing suspension of disbelief a swirly.)--but at least it isn't incompetent anymore, and you can enjoy the imagination better.
